Our Story
We are designers of digital learning…
For more than 12 years, Edge Gain has designed, produced and delivered innovative professional learning solutions for students, educators, and brands. This includes live, customized professional development for educators and students, on-demand courses & learning materials and educational consultancy.
...with decades of training experience and classroom expertise…
The Edge Gain story began with the creation of a pioneering online course for Adobe called 'Adobe Generation'. We wanted to give students that special 'edge' and 'advantage' in acquiring creative digital skills. Pulling together a skilled and charismatic set of trainers to offer a form of blended learning that enthralled students and educators alike, Edge Gain built upon the success of Adobe Generation to become the leading provider of educational solutions for Adobe Education team.
…and the leading provider of educational solutions for Adobe Education
Since then, we have followed our mission of inspiring digital creatives to offer a full experience of training, online learning, and consultancy for all providers of learning whether in the education or corporate sectors. Now we are training thousands of teachers, other professionals, and students worldwide, working and partnering with some of the most innovative and creative companies, museums, schools, and universities in the world. Our network of more than 150 Edge Gain Associate trainers across the globe helped deliver professional development to over 20,000 teachers in the last two years alone.
Schools and School Districts we work with
Edge Gain produce innovative digital learning solutions for both educators and students.
Brands and institutions we work with
We’ve also applied our decades of experience teaching digital and creativity to entities in many other sectors too.